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Community of Inquiry Research

Through multiple projects, this line of research examines the benefits of the online professional development program for English language teachers around the world. Several studies were conducted using a questionnaire developed around the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000). First, the instrument was adapted and validated for the non-native speakers of English. Then English language teachers who were part of the Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) program as well as the English Language Secondary Education in Uzbekistan English Speaking Nation program were invited to complete the questionnaire. The participants’ perception of instructors’ teaching presence (TP), social presence (SP), and cognitive presence (CP) as well as perceived instructor social presence (ISP) were measured. The initial results show the effectiveness of the online course design to build an international network of English teaching professionals who benefited greatly from the global interactions with the instructors and fellow participants. Consistent results were obtained from different projects (TEYL and English Speaking Nation program) as well as different course formats (global online courses and massive open online courses). Below is the list of presentations and publications on this topic.


Borup, J., Shin, J. K., Powell, M. G., Evmenova, A. S., & Kim, W. (2022). Revising and Validating the Community of Inquiry Instrument for MOOCs and other Global Online Courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 23(3), 82-103.

Evmenova, A. S., Shin, J. K., & Borup, J. (2018). Online professional development for English teachers around the world. Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Education e-Learning (pp. 134-140). Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF).


Evmenova, A. S., Borup, J., & Shin, J. K. (2023, July 10-14). Online professional development for teachers around the world: Lessons learned from different formats [Paper presentation]. EdMedia + Innovative Learning, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Vienna, Austria.

Pawan, F., Christison, M. A., Healey, D., Shin, J. K., & Warren, A. (2021, March 27). Research into the practices of online language teacher education [Panel discussion]. The 55th Annual TESOL Convention.

Borup, J., Shin, J. K., Powell, M. G., Evmenova, A. S., Kim, W. (2020, April 6-10). Revising and validating the Community of Inquiry Instrument for global courses. [Paper Session]. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Virtual

Evmenova, A. S., Shin, J. K., Borup, J. (2019, December 9). Ways to offer effective online professional development for teachers around the world. [Paper Session]. London International Conference on Education, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Shin, J. K., Evmenova, A. S. , Borup, J., Kim, W., El-Bilawi, N., & King, J. M. (2019, March 15). Challenges in global online PD for English teachers. [Paper Session]. TESOL 2019 International Convention & English Language Expo, Atlanta, GA.

Bain, K., Jenkins, B., Nunamaker, A., & Shin, J. K. (2019, March 13). Making global open educational resources locally adaptable [Paper presentation]. The 53rd Annual TESOL Convention, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Evmenova, A. S., & Shin, J. K. (2018, September 25). Online professional development for English teachers around the world. [Paper Session]. The 8th Annual International Conference on Education and e-Learning Conference, Singapore.

MOOC and MOOC Camp Research

Through multiple projects, this line of research explores the use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and MOOC Camps for professional development of English language teachers around the world. Because MOOCs are well known for low pass rates, Bawa (2016) noting that MOOC pass rates can be less than 5%, our research seeks to understand learner engagement in MOOCs and develop innovative pedagogies for teacher professional development using MOOCs. This includes exploring connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs) that emphasize learner-learner interactions on discussion boards to develop a community of learners as well as blended MOOCs (bMOOCs) in which a group of students enroll in an online MOOC but then meet regularly in-person in “MOOC camps” to discuss and apply their learning. Our research examines how these MOOC camps are organized and facilitated as well as the benefits of attending MOOC camps. We are currently studying MOOC camp English language teacher participants from Brazil, Vietnam, Peru, and Kyrgyzstan who were part of the Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) program as well as the Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) in Saudi Arabia program.


Kim, W. L., Borup, J., Shin, J. K., & Evmenova, A. S. (2023). Enhancing global teacher professional development through MOOC camps: Case studies from Brazil, Vietnam, and Peru. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 31(2), 137-165.

Borup, J., Graham, C. R., West, R. E., Archambault, L., & Shin, J. K. (2023). Academic communities of engagement (ACE) framework. In EdTechnica: The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.

Borup, J., Jenson, M., Short, C. R., Arnesen, K., Archambault, L., & Graham, C. R. (2023). The blended teaching journey: Research, resources, and guidance for successfully navigating blended Environments. In R. E. Ferdig, R. Hartshorne, E. Baumgartner, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), What PreK-12 teachers should know about educational technology in 2023: A research-to-practice anthology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Woo, L. J., Archambault, L., & Borup, J. (2023). Supporting the pedagogical needs of preservice teachers during a time of crisis: Providing online modules to address teaching at a distance. In A. Zimmerman (Ed.), Research, practice, and innovations in teacher education during a virtual age (pp. 53-78). IGI Global.

Shin, J. K., Borup, J., & Kim, W. (2022). Creating local course communities to engage culturally and linguistically diverse teachers in global MOOCs. In E. Baumgartner, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, R. E. Ferdig, R. Hartshorne, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Retrospective: Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. (pp. 73-79). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Kim, W., Borup, J., Shin, J. K., & Evmenova, A. (2023, August 27-30). Supporting culturally and linguistically diverse English language educators in blended MOOCs: MOOC camp facilitator’s perspectives from Brazil, Vietnam, Peru and Kyrgyzstan [Paper presentation]. Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) 2023 Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Kim, W., Borup, J., Shin, J. K., & Evmenova, A. (2022, April 23). Enhancing global teacher professional development through MOOC camps: Case studies from Brazil, Vietnam, and Peru [Research presentation]. 2022 AERA Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, United States.

Other Publications


Shin, J. K., Borup, J., Barbour, M. K., & Quiroga Velasquez, R. V. (2022). Webinars for English Language Teachers During the Pandemic: Global Perspectives on Transitioning to Remote Online Teaching. AERA Open.

Borup, J., Graham, C., Short, C., & Shin, J. K. (2022, January 12). Designing the new normal: Enable, engage, elevate, and extend student learning. Educause Review.


Shin, J. K., & Borup, J. (2022). Breaking through the screen: Practical tips for engaging learners in the online and blended classroom. National Geographic Learning.

Book Chapters

Borup, J., Graham, C. R., Short, C. R., & Shin, J. K. (2021). Evaluating blended teaching. In C. R. Graham, J. Borup, M. A. Jensen, K. T. Arnesen & C. R. Short (Eds.), K-12 blended teaching (Vol 2): A guide to practice within the disciplines, (Vol. 2). EdTech Books.

Shin, J. K., & Borup, J. (2020). Global webinars for English teachers worldwide during a pandemic: “They came right when I needed them the most.” In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, and C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. (pp. 157-162). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.


Shin, J. K., & Borup. J. (2020, April 2). Building a supportive online community. InFocus. National Geographic Learning.

Shin, J. K., & Borup, J. (2020, March 24). Making your screen come alive. InFocus. National Geographic Learning.

Shin, J. K., & Borup, J. (2020, March 16). Engaging students in meaningful learning activities. InFocus. National Geographic Learning.

Research Reports

Shin, J. K., Fox, R. K., Evmenova, A. S., Borup, J., Khakimova, D., Kim, W., & Faust, H. F. (2020). Context analysis report. English Speaking Nation Program for Uzbekistan, Embassy of the United States, Tashkent (Federal Award No. SUZ80019CA0154).